Fjernbetjening med 4 knapper (tilkobling, deltilkobling, frakobling og PA), trådløs 2-vejs 868 MHz, farve: hvid
Smart håndsender for Ajax Plus sikkerhedssystem.
Beskyttet med rullende kodekryptering og godkendelse, arbejder Solar Plus håndsender i en afstand af op til 1000 m fra Ajax Plus Hub i fri sigt.
- Works up to 1,000 meters from Ajax Hub in open space or across several floors of a business center
- Can be used with third-party security systems using the uartBridge and ocBridge Plus modules
- Equipped with panic button
- Allows for partial arming of the system
- Through two-way communication with the hub, the keyfob confirms delivery of any command
- Protected with rolling code encryption and authentication