Universal dør- og vinduekontakt, mini magnet og ekstern indgang, trådløs 2-vejs 868 MHz, farve: sort. Godkendt F&P klasse 2
Universel dør- og vindueskontakt.
Med deres kompakte størrelse, highend-følere og trådløse kommunikation, kan Solar Plus dør- og vindueskontakt beskytte døre og vinduer over flere etager i hus eller på kontor.
- Works up to 2,000 meters from Ajax Hub in open space or across several floors of a business center
- Allows for connection to a third-party opening detector
- Can be used with third-party security systems using the uartBridge and ocBridge Plus modules
- Uses authentication to protect against fraud
- Tamper-resistant body
- Response from detectors can be checked every 12-300 seconds (adjustable)
- Jamming detection, frequency-hopping
- Uses an encrypted connection
- Uses British-made reed switches that can be toggled more than 1,000,000 times without failure
- Two-way communication with Ajax Hub allows for periodic testing and customization
- Saves energy by regulating power consumption based on the distance from Ajax Hub
- Has a battery life of up to 7 years when pinging once per minute
- No need to disassemble the body when installing using SmartBracket mounts
- Uses powerful magnets that can be installed up to 2 cm from the main unit
- The quality of the connection and detection area can be tested remotely
- Connects to Ajax Hub with a single click